
The five-liner form of the limerick
needs literary skills, mostly rhyth-m-ic;
the clerihew
very few.

                                         To be a vigilante
                                         is absolutely anti
                                         the Sermon on the Mount -
                                         which no longer seems to count....

More evil and much more obnoxious
than ’phone bugs and top-secret dossiers
is your neighbourhood ‘pi’ vigilante;
I’m anti.

                                         The A.S.B.’s
                                         the C. of E.’s
                                         attempt to fix in lexicon
                                         their God; but where the ’eck’s ’e gone?

When Margaret’s
hard to get,
and Celia’s steelier,
Delia - will yer?


(March, 1995)

Note:        This last one is for Eddie!